
Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)for Men Explained


Hair thinning, hair loss and balding are globalproblems affecting millions of men and women, but men in particular struggle with balding now at a much younger age than a couple of decades ago. There can be any number of reasons for this phenomenon, from genetics, illness, lifestyle and diet to hormonal changes and accidents. Whatever the reason may be, experiencing hair loss can be a blow to one’s self-esteem and confidence because a full head of healthy hair is a marker of attractiveness.

There are several methods available to treat hair loss from complex hair transplant surgery and hair loss remedial medications to new technologies like smpwa hairline tattoos sometimes referred to as scalp micro pigmentation or pointillism. The procedure is somewhat similar to cosmetic tattooing but several differences make it suitable for disguising hair loss and making it seem more like natural hair.

Scalp micro pigmentation is a fairly new non-invasive hair loss solution that is gaining popularity because it requires less downtime and costs only a fraction of some of the other hair loss solutions. Although it is a type of tattoo the procedure uses micro-needles to deposit colour similar to that of your natural hair in a way that makes the pigment appear like real hair. Unlike body tattoos, micro pigmentation does not fade easily, it will, however, need to be protected from sunlight which you can do with sunblock and it should last 7-8 years before you feel the need to give it a refresh.

Scalp micro pigmentation is popular with men because it can recreate the illusion of a false hairline or cover up any balding spots – important if you have a receding hairline or bald patches on your scalp.It’s important to have a chat with your hair technician before you decide on the procedure and discuss aspects such as pigment colour, personalising the coverage to match the shape of your head and forehead and so on. Hairline tattooing is recommended for those who have scars on their scalp and want to cover it up, complete or partial loss of hair due to illness which makes it necessary to shave the entire head or male pattern baldness due to genetics and alopecia.

The first step to having your hairline tattoo done is to of course book an appointment after you have done some research into what the procedure entails and who might be good in your area to do the procedure for you. Use the appointment consultation to clear any doubts or ask questions about the drawbacks, and risks and ask to see any pictures of procedures they have completed. Each session will last a couple of hours or more and consist of a couple of sessions about two weeks apart to allow the scalp to heal and for the pigment to settle, but this will depend on your situation and the scalp area to be covered. The procedure is complete once the final session is done and your scalp heals.

the authorGarretLeech